Oklahoma Pastel Society Opening Reception: July 12

Pile of various colors of pastel crayons

The Oklahoma Pastel Society is thrilled to have their annual show of members' paintings on display July 2--29 at the McKeon Center for Creativity. The public is invited to the free opening reception from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, July 12 in the Event Hall of the McKeon Center for Creativity.

The work includes landscapes, still life, animals and portraits submitted by artists from across the state. Many of the artists are nationally recognized and have work hanging in homes and businesses throughout the U.S.

The Oklahoma Pastel Society is centrally located in Oklahoma City. It is full of passionate painters who create beautiful representations of what they see around them. 

Pastel is the same pure pigment used in oil paint--just in a dry form--and is equally durable and vibrant. Read more about OPS.