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  1. Corrections Education Program Awards College Degrees Behind Bars

    The prison’s chapel serves as the graduation venue and each man walks in wearing a cap and gown over their orange prison uniform with pomp and circumstance playing in the background. The men in...


    TCC Dick Conner Correctional Graduation
  2. Bringing Learning to Life and Engaging the Community

    From Service-Learning initiatives to mapping projects, Dr. Kristen Marangoni designs meaningful assignments that positively impact Tulsa and are receiving national attention.


    Field of Study

    Kristen Marangoni
  3. TCC Launches Cybersecurity Program & Associate Degree

    With this addition, TCC now has three college-credit offerings to help an individual enter this fast-growing and high-paying field of cybersecurity through the TCC School of Business and Information...


    Field of Study

    TCC Cybersecurity Space
  4. Blazing a Path for Students to Succeed in Math

    As a steppingstone to earning a degree, Professor Lori Mayberry developed a program that has increased the success rate for thousands of students.


    Field of Study

    Lori Mayberry
  5. Applications Open for Small Business Leadership Development Opportunity

    The program is designed to enhance the capabilities of area small businesses funded by Cox and will include sessions on cash management, digital marketing, negotiation skills, and management.


    Field of Study

    Selfie of two TCC students in class
  6. A Passionate Advocate for the Hispanic/Latinx Community

    By recruiting underserved and underrepresented students interested in Early Childhood Education, Dr. Angelica Reina is helping to diversify TCC's student body.


    Field of Study

    Child Development
    Angelica Reina, Ph.D.
  7. Cybersecurity and Data Analytics Bootcamp Grads Ready for Jobs as Cyber Skills Center Graduates First Class

    The Cyber Skills Center at Tulsa Community College celebrated its first group of graduates that completed an accelerated, online 24-week bootcamp in either Cybersecurity or Data Analytics.


    Field of Study

    TCC Cyber Skills Center Graduate, Francisco Lara Loza with family
  8. Navigating History Lessons and Student Success

    Besides teaching History, serving as the Native American Student Alliance Advisor and mentoring students in the TRIO program, Dr. Wes Mosier has an interesting way of dealing with his crippling fear of heights.


    Field of Study

    Dr. Wesley Mosier
  9. 2023 TCC Honors Students Recognized at Awards Ceremony

    The Tulsa Community College Honors Program recognized its spring 2023 award and scholarship winners at the annual Blue-Carpet TCC Foundation Awards Ceremony.


  10. A YouTube Biology Phenom

    Dr. Leann Fiore uses stop-motion animation to capture the attention of not only her own Biology students, but students and faculty around the world.


    Field of Study

    Dr. Leann Fiore

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