News & Stories

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Found 484 results

  1. Daniel Williams

    Tulsa Achieves Student



    Daniel Williams
  2. Paola Gonzalez

    My Dream Scholar



    Paola Gonzalez
  3. Statement from TCC President Leigh B. Goodson regarding death of student Terence Crutcher

    On Friday, Sept. 16, Tulsa Community College lost a member of our college community. In any situation, the passing of a student is difficult. The very public and graphic circumstances surrounding...


  4. TCC Sees Significant Savings With Five-Year Energy Plan

    At a time when every dollar counts, Tulsa Community College has achieved significant cost savings with energy efficiency and sustainability practices. TCC recently completed a five-year project with Johnson Controls, Inc. that lowered TCC’s operation costs and saved utility costs.


  5. Daniel Brookshire

    Daniel Brookshire sees a path to his future through TCC, even despite his physical blindness. The Enterprise Development major is in his third year at TCC, and spends much of his spare time as a...


    Field of Study

    Enterprise Development


    Daniel Brookshire

Our Publications

Listen to The Big Blue Podcast

Learn about initiatives happening at TCC. TCC President Dr. Leigh Goodson and AVP for Academic and Campus Operations Dr. Greg Stone host each episode.

The Big Blue Podcast

Read the Community Magazine

Inside the Community Magazine you'll find stories about TCC students, faculty, alumni, and what the College is doing to tackle educational inequity.

Community Magazine