News & Stories

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Found 484 results

  1. Family Fun Fair helps with success of early childhood education

    Oklahoma’s success with its early childhood education program was highlighted during President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address earlier this year. President Obama cited studies that show...



  2. Groundbreaking for TCC and Tulsa Fire Department Safety Training Center

    Tulsa Community College and the City of Tulsa broke ground for a new Tulsa Fire Department Safety Training Center to replace the city’s current training facility built in 1952. The facility will be...



  3. Tulsa Achieves celebrates 5 years

    Speakers at the Tulsa Achieves anniversary luncheon included Stuart Price, of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education; Emily Corral, Tulsa Achieves graduate; Dr. Tom McKeon, TCC President...



  4. Grammy nominated jazz band to headline two-day TCC Jazz Festival

    The six-time Grammy nominated One O’Clock Lab Band is coming to Tulsa. The jazz band has traveled the world and performed by Presidential invitation at the White House. The jazz band has also been...



  5. Student presents research at conference

    Tulsa Community College Biotechnology student Jeremy Sabo recently attended an undergraduate research conference in Washington, D.C. Sabo, along with Dr. Diana Spencer, Professor and Coordinator of...



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Listen to The Big Blue Podcast

Learn about initiatives happening at TCC. TCC President Dr. Leigh Goodson and AVP for Academic and Campus Operations Dr. Greg Stone host each episode.

The Big Blue Podcast

Read the Community Magazine

Inside the Community Magazine you'll find stories about TCC students, faculty, alumni, and what the College is doing to tackle educational inequity.

Community Magazine