News & Stories

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Found 485 results

  1. A sea of blue as TCC sees a record setting number of graduates

    In a sea of blue, Tulsa Community College awarded degrees and certificates to the Class of 2013. TCC’s 43rd annual commencement on May 10 set new records for the college, based on preliminary numbers...



  2. NORDAM CEO Meredith Siegfried is TCC's 2013 commencement speaker

    Meredith Siegfried, CEO of NORDAM, will deliver the address at the 43rd TCC Commencement Exercise to an estimated 1,000 graduates. Tulsa Community College’s commencement is 7 p.m., Friday, May 10 at...



  3. Anonymous donor provides challenge grant to complete TCC’s Physical Therapy Clinic

    An anonymous donor has challenged the Tulsa community with a grant to complete the proposed Physical Therapy Clinic at Tulsa Community College’s Metro Campus and name the facility in honor of Nate...



  4. Students selected for paid summer internships

    Several Tulsa Community College students, majoring in either biology or biotechnology, will spend this summer doing paid internships in area research labs. Bobby Daugherty, Minji Sohn, Mang Chang...



  5. Nutrition students prepare & distribute food at shelter

    Janine Jensen, Professor of Health and Physical Education, recently incorporated a service learning project in two of her nutrition classes. Jensen and her classes went to the Tulsa Day Center for the...



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Listen to The Big Blue Podcast

Learn about initiatives happening at TCC. TCC President Dr. Leigh Goodson and AVP for Academic and Campus Operations Dr. Greg Stone host each episode.

The Big Blue Podcast

Read the Community Magazine

Inside the Community Magazine you'll find stories about TCC students, faculty, alumni, and what the College is doing to tackle educational inequity.

Community Magazine