Art Exhibitions at Thomas K. McKeon Center for Creativity

Oklahoma Pastel Society (OPS)

pile of soft pastels lay on a table

Oklahoma Pastel Society is thrilled to have its annual show of members' paintings on display

McKeon Center for Creativity
July 2 – 29

Call before visiting for hours: 918-595-7339.

Work includes landscapes, still life, animals and portraits submitted by artists from across the state. Many of the artists are nationally recognized and have work hanging in homes and businesses throughout the U.S.

The Oklahoma Pastel Society is centrally located in Oklahoma City. It is full of passionate painters who create beautiful representations of what they see around them. 

Pastel is the same pure pigment used in oil paint--just in a dry form--and is equally durable and vibrant. 
Read more about the Oklahoma Pastel Society

About Art Exhibitions

The Thomas K. McKeon Center for Creativity specializes in group exhibitions that are a component of multi-disciplinary or multi-faceted projects, with a special focus on groups that are underrepresented or underserved. We do not accept proposals for solo exhibitions. If your organization is interested in the possibility of exhibiting with us, email Annina Collier at

Open Calls

We frequently issue open calls for exhibitions; email Cindy Barton at to be notified of future open calls.