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Found 477 results

  1. New TCC Foundation Executive Committee Named for 2023

    The Tulsa Community College Foundation begins 2023 with naming a new executive committee and adding new members to the Foundation Board of Trustees.


  2. TCC Selected for Prestigious National Initiative Connected to Workforce Development

    Tulsa Community College, selected by the Aspen Institute and the Community College Research Center, joins an elite group of community colleges from across the country for a first-of-its-kind initiative focused on improving students’ post-graduation outcomes.


  3. TCC Unveils New Website for Community Health Services

    Tulsa Community College has launched a new website,, for community members to access information about free healthcare services related to three academic programs.


  4. Debra Dunklin

    With a goal of advancing her career, Debra Dunklin, a mother of four, enrolled at TCC to pursue a Business Administration/Human Resources Management degree. “Evening classes are the only way I can...


    Field of Study



    Debra Dunklin
  5. Jonica King

    Jonica King is a mother of four children who decided to go to college to be a voice for the voiceless. Her daughter, who has special needs, has been her inspiration. “A degree will help me to help...



    Jonica King
  6. Juan Gandara

    As the first in his family to attend college, Juan Gandara, is on track to graduate with an associate degree in Mechanical Engineering in May 2023 from TCC. “I've been involved with STEM since I was...


    Field of Study



    Juan Gandara
  7. Paul Chanda

    Although he didn’t consider himself “college ready” when he decided he needed a bachelor's degree, Paul Chanda checked out TCC and was interested in the computer classes offered. “I have always had an...



    Paul Chanda
  8. Samuel Lian

    Tulsa Achieves Student


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    Samuel Lian
  9. TCC Graphic Design Major Behind 2022 TCC Holiday Card

    At the age of 41, Jeremy Lanoy returned to college at TCC with the realization that he needed to do something different.


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  10. Fourth and Final Student Success Center at TCC Dedicated

    The dedication of the new Herman and Kate Kaiser Student Success Center on the TCC Northeast Campus was celebrated on Tuesday, Nov. 15.
